Frequently Asked Questions

    • What is the purpose of joining the Coding Club?
    • Membership in the club offers a formal avenue to build a strong network, collaborate effectively, and enhance competitiveness. Joining provides valuable exposure opportunities to showcase skills and talents, expand your professional connections, foster collaboration, and gain visibility.

    • What benefits do I get from joining the club?
    • Members get a chance to actively participate in the events organized by the club, as well as get to contribute to technical events of our institute such as PARSEC. Club members selected via extensive procedures and who have notable contributions in club projects will be given preference in the selections for external events such as Inter IIT Tech Meet. Finally, it all comes down to personal and career advancements by being part of an active organization of tech enthusiasts.

    • What are the prerequisites for applying for club membership?
    • Before submitting your membership application, it's important to fulfill certain prerequisites. This includes selecting the wing of the club you wish to join and meeting specific criteria outlined for each wing.

    • I am new to programming, which wing is suitable for me?
    • We encourage you to explore and find out what interests you. However if you are just starting out, we suggest you join the Competitive Programming or Free and Open Source Software wing as they are very beginner friendly.

    • Can non-members contribute to club projects?
    • Absolutely! everyone is allowed to contribute to the club projects. The core team however, remains responsible for active development during the lifetime of the project.

    • Can I work on two or more projects at once?
    • Currently, we strongly recommend members to stick to one project at a time if they are active developers. However, contributions are always welcome if the member has the capability to finish their main project on time. This recommendation also applies across clubs in case the individual is a member of other clubs.

    • Is there a platform where I can voice my concerns and suggestions?
    • We have a Coding Club community on Whatsapp. You can participate actively in discussions related to all the topics in the community and also voice your suggestions. Feedback/Suggestions can also be sent via the Anonymous Feedback Form or sent directly to the club admins.