- Free and Open Source Software
The FOSS Wing, true to the nature of Free and Open Source Software, is a wing with very little restrictions on participation. The procedure for applying for membership in the Coding Club's FOSS Wing is as follows:
- Open-to-All Tasks: The Coding Club will have certain tasks that are open to all, including individuals who are not yet members of the club. Anyone can participate and contribute to these tasks, showcasing their skills and interest in coding.
- Contribution Proof: Individuals who have contributed to the open-to-all tasks should send proof of their contributions to the FOSS Wing Lead. Proof may include links to code repositories, pull requests, or any other relevant evidence of their contributions.
- Contributions from Experienced Developers: Individuals with experience in open-source development may submit their contributions to relevant projects. This includes submitting code changes, bug fixes, or other valuable contributions to open-source projects.
- Selection: Successful candidates, based on their performance in the tasks and overall qualifications, will be offered membership in the Coding Club.
- The list of open-to-all tasks can be viewed publicly on our Github page: @codingclub-iitdh's Tasks List
- Competitive Programming
At present, our membership application process exclusively acknowledges Codeforces and LeetCode as the recognized platforms. The criteria for each platform are outlined as follows:
- As part of the membership requirements, it is mandatory to participate in a minimum of two contests per month on either of the designated platforms. Active engagement in contests is essential to demonstrate commitment and growth in your programming skills. Along with this, we also require the members to participate in the in-semester Competitive Coding events which will be held by the Coding Club.
- For membership consideration, specific minimum ratings on Codeforces have been established based on the respective batch years. As of the current criteria, the minimum rating requirements are set at:
- - 1200 for the M.Tech, 2021 and 2022 batches, and
- - 900 for the 2023 and 2024 batches.
- In accordance to previous rule, a minimum contest rating on LeetCode has been established for each batch year. For M.Tech, 2021 and 2022 batch students, the minimum contest rating requirements is set at 1700 while for 2023 and 2024 batch students, the minimum contest rating requirements is set at 1600.
- These ratings serve as indicators of your competency and proficiency in programming, contributing to a competitive and balanced membership composition.
- It is important to adhere to all the required criteria for maintaining membership within the club. Failure to meet any of the necessary criteria for two consecutive months will result in the termination of your membership.
- Game Development Wing
The requirements for joining the Game Development wing are as follows
- Participation in online GameJams on platforms such as itch.io, or equivalent events such as in-semester Game Development events held by the Coding Club. Individuals have to submit their creations along with the source code during the recruitment process.
- The submissions have to be complete, working games conforming to the rules set by the particular GameJam or event they were made for. Submissions will be reviewed and shortlisted individuals will be asked to attend a QnA session.
- The applicant will only be accepted into the club if the submission quality and interview performance is up to the evaluator's level of expectation.
- The members of the club are expected to work on Club Projects, or if interested, work on their own games and present them at the end of each semester. Regular updates should be provided to the club heads regarding the status of the game being developed.
- Web Development Wing
The requirements for joining the Web Development wing are as follows
- The applicants, during the recruitment process, are required to submit a web development project/mini-project based on a problem statement of their choosing.
- The submissions should be complete and look presentable. If the project was worked on by a team, the efforts of the applicant in the project should be clearly outlined and be verifiable.
- The technical knowledge requirements and the nature of submissions are divided into three categories to adjust for experience:
- - 2024 batch: HTML/CSS/JS
- - 2023 batch: ReactJS or equivalent frameworks
- - M.Tech, 2022 and 2021 batches: Knowledge of Full Stack devlopment
- The shortlisting process will depend on the submission quality, and shortlisted individuals will be invited to an interview.
- Members will be selected based on their project impact and interview performance, along with a variety of other factors such as technical know-how of website and application building.
- Members are required to participate in in-semester events that are relevant to Web and App development to remain part of the club. Along with this, they are required to work on a project of their choice (can be Club Projects), providing regular updates regarding its status to the club heads.